Teen Program: Nerdy Girl’s Night at the Library

We watched a superhero movie while some of the girls played board games, and noshed on candy bars. The program was set up in stations. They could move freely from one station to the the next. They could make the Doctor’s bow tie for their cat or dog, make comic book envelopes, and Hunger Games ornaments.

Just a nerdy girl

I teamed up with the middle school librarian for this program. She was amazing and really hyped up Nerdy Girl Night to her students. She allowed me to come into her classroom for the day and tell her students about it. When the night finally came, we had a packed house!

Station one: Board games and a movie

Station two: Hunger Games ornament

Station three: The Doctor’s bow tie

Station four: Comic book envelopes

It’s my library!

Station one: movies and board games

General Supplies:

  • A superhero movie (make sure you have the public performance rights before showing it.)
  • Board Games
  • Fun sized candy bars

Station two: Hunger Games Book Cover Ornaments

This craft used glitter. It was a mess! Glitter was everywhere. You know what they say about glitter…?

Apparently, the middle school librarian enjoys vacuuming more than I do. ?

Craft Supplies:

  • printer with colored ink
  • card stock
  • Multi colored glitter
  • Elmer’s glue
  • double sided tape
  • hole punch
  • ribbon
  • paper plate


  • Go online and find pictures of the Hunger Games book covers. Save them to your computer. Using whatever software you have available resize the picture to 2 inches wide by 3.5 inches long. Or resize it to a size that works for you.
  • Cut out the book covers
  • Tape the book covers together so you have the picture on both sides.
  • Using the hole punch, punch a hole in the center top of your book cover ornament.
  • String your ribbon through the hole you just made.
  • Tie a pretty bow.
  • Make a “picture frame” around the book cover with your Elmer’s glue.
  • Cover the glue with glitter.
  • Allow to dry or at least harden up a bit.
  • Shake all the glitter off onto a paper plate.
  • If you want it two sided, then repeat the glue and glitter steps on the backside of your ornament.

Station three: The Doctor’s bow tie (for your cat or dog)

Mr. Fox modeling the Doctor’s bow tie and munching on candy.

Craft Supplies:

  • fabric
  • fabric scissors
  • sticky backed Velcro squares
  • hot glue


  1. Cut fabric to 4 x 9 inches.
  2. Fold your fabric length wise into thirds. They should overlap just a bit
  3. Then, fold in the left and right sides. You can choose how much to overlap based on the desired size of the bow-tie.
  4. Cut a skinny strip of fabric approximately 2 x 5 inches. it needs to be long enough to tie. It will be trimmed later.
  5. Pinch the center of the folded ribbon with your fingers to get a nice bow-tie shape. You may have to do do this a couple times before getting the perfect shape.
  6. Use your skinny piece of fabric and tie around the center of the bow-tie. Add hot glue to make sure the knot is tight and secure. Trim the extra fabric.
  7. Get your pre-trimmed ribbon and Velcro squares. Add a Velcro square (the one with the scratchy side) to the center and to the far right end of the ribbon. On the left end of the ribbon add the fuzzy Velcro square.
  8. In the center of the ribbon add a scratchy Velcro square. Then, on the back of the bow add a fuzzy Velcro square.
  9. Attach bow. You have made a no sew bow-tie!

Station four: handmade comic book envelopes

  • Old comic books
  • envelope (carefully deconstructed. This is your template.)
  • glue
  • scissors
  • ruler


  1. Put your envelope (the one you carefully undid) on top of your comic book page.
  2. Trace the template.
  3. Cut out your shape from the comic book page
  4. Fold your paper into the shape of the envelope
  5. Glue the sides down, be sure to leave the top alone. (You want to use the envelope.)

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