Teen Photo Club: Glow Stick Photography

I got this idea for Teen Photography Club at the library from all those sparkler photography posts. I really wanted to do the sparkler thing, but decided against using fire in public spaces with teenagers. They were a wily bunch and I had visions of the library going up in flames or teens with second degree burns, so we used glow sticks instead.

What you will need:

  • glow sticks
  • yarn
  • a really dark space
  • cameras
  • Tripod, but it’s not necessary for this activity if you can hold still. However, if want it to look super professional then use the tripod.)
  • imagination
A heart shape made with the glow sticks.
  1. Attach the yarn to the glow sticks.
  • I didn’t give you measurements for the lengths because it’s really about your preference here.
  • The goal is to be able to swing the glow stick around. So cut the yarn to whatever feels comfortable for the size of room you are in.

2. Crack and shake the glow stick.

  • Give them a good shake so they really put off a glow.

3. Swing the glow stick.

  • Depending on the space you have swing the glow stick above your head or in crazy ways to get a good design.
  • You will have to pair up with someone from the group. While one of you swings the glow stick around the other will take photos.
  • I stood in the middle of the group and made designs with the glow stick as the teens shot photos, then I had them take turns swinging it around. I didn’t have a lot of space for them to pair up.

checking out the photos that they just shot

4. Change the shutter speed, ISO, & f -top on your camera.

  • A good starting point is ISO 100, f/11, 1/2 second shutter speed.
  • Play around with your setting to get the shot you want.
  • Using your phone? Be sure to turn off your flash and turn on night mode.

5. Be creative.

  • Have fun.
  • Experiment with your camera settings.
  • Experiment with the way you swing the glow stick.

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