This is another example of controlled chaos at the library. The teens had free run of the library that evening. They ran around the building “capturing” each other with their cameras. I hid video game style bonuses throughout the stacks, things like hearts for restored health & stars for 60 seconds of invisibility.

Split the group into teams:
- You can just count them off, ie. 1,2,1,2…. or you can think of some more creative way to do this, such as the playing card method, the candy game, or the color you’re wearing method.
- Photos must be from the waist up.
- If you capture only a hand or a foot, then they got away. It doesn’t count.
- Capturing the back of a head does not count, either. They escaped.
- No photos of the staff or library patrons.
- Team with the most captives win.
- Must prove that you have captured your opponent. (Show instructor your camera.)
- If you have been captured then you are in prison. You must sit out for the remainder of the game unless you have found one of the bonuses.
- Remember that this camera wars. Strategize with your teammates, be stealthy, & survive.

I made and hid bonus items throughout the library:
- Toy Airplane Flight out of captivity! I hid this in the nonfiction section, call # 747.
- Star 60 seconds of invincibility! I cut stars out of construction paper and hid them throughout the building.
- First Aid Kit Restored Health! You get a free pass out of the cooler. You are not longer captured. Either, I or a randomly selected staff member continually re-hid this in the stacks.